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Is a Moldman Franchise the BEST DEAL in the Water Damage Restoration & Mold Remediation Industry?

Mold isn’t exactly the sexiest business.  It’s definitely what one would consider a “Dirty Job.”  Now, you may be wondering to yourself, “Why would anyone work a dirty job?”  The answer is simple.  Cash.  Cold, hard cash.

OK, OK, it’s not just about the money.  People work dirty jobs for all kinds of reasons.  But don’t fool yourself - income is one of the primary reasons.  People who do dirty jobs can charge a pretty penny for it because not many people are willing to do that kind of work.

Water damage restoration and mold remediation is a primary example of this.  The work involves demo, cleaning & hauling in some pretty nasty situations.  But water damage restoration and mold remediation is not just a niche market; it's a thriving industry with consistent demand.  From burst pipes to natural disasters, water-related emergencies occur regularly, creating a steady stream of clientele. Moreover, with increasing awareness about the importance of quick and effective water damage restoration, the demand for professional services is only expected to rise.

Getting into the water damage restoration and mold remediation industry isn’t exactly easy.  Starting from scratch is a daunting task.  Training, jobsite management, marketing, business development, managing employees - these are just a few of the responsibilities an entrepreneur in this industry will have to take on.  Which is why franchising in the water damage restoration and mold remediation industry is so popular.

Franchising options in the water damage restoration and mold remediation industry are plentiful.  Servpro, ServiceMaster Restore, PuroClean, Rainbow International & 1-800 Water Damage are some of the best known.  But if you do a little research, you’ll find almost all of the options to be incredibly expensive.  In this business, starting up for $100,000 is cheap, and $200,000+ is the norm.  Wow!  Most people don’t have that kind of money to invest.

But for all the aspiring entrepreneurs out there who want to get into the water damage restoration and mold remediation industry, but aren’t comfortable dropping $100k-$250k+, there is now an attractive option for you:  MOLDMAN.

At less than $10,000 to get started, a MOLDMAN franchise is the best deal in the water damage restoration and mold remediation industry.  Check out the following table, in which we compare publicly available FDD figures as of 2023:



ServiceMaster Restore




1-800 Water Damage


Rainbow International






The start-up costs of a MOLDMAN franchise come in at a fraction of the costs of the other guys.  How does MOLDMAN do it?  Well, they don’t charge an expensive franchise fee - which is unheard of in this industry.  And they keep everything as cheap as possible for their franchisees.  They encourage franchisees to get the best deals on equipment and even encourage buying used equipment if it’s in good condition!  That’s how they started, so that’s what they preach.

Investing in a MOLDMAN franchise is not just a smart business decision; it's a strategic investment in a lucrative future.  With a proven track record of success, plenty of territories still available, and a thriving industry backdrop, a MOLDMAN franchise offers aspiring entrepreneurs a golden opportunity to carve their niche in the water damage restoration and mold remediation business.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur looking to diversify your portfolio or a newcomer eager to make your mark in the industry, a MOLDMAN franchise provides the perfect platform to realize your aspirations.  Join the ranks of successful MOLDMAN franchisees and embark on a journey towards unparalleled success.  The best deal in water damage restoration awaits – seize it with a MOLDMAN franchise.

Check out the opportunity that MOLDMAN has to offer at  Grab your water damage and mold restoration franchise today!

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